


Vector is a unique solution for the removal of residues in piping systems. This sustainable engineering enhancement will ensure your production is optimised and your waste practically eliminated. 

With reach-back to the skills of over 35,000 employees, and a proven track record of expertise in designing, building, operating and maintaining vital assets, the Vector Smart Recovery System is unparalleled. 

Working across a number of sectors, API is a service provider you can trust to manage your Vector Smart Recovery System from installation, through commissioning and onto online operation. 

Innovative technology

API Vector Smart Recovery System is a unique solution that removes liquids and residue from piping systems.

Vector鈥檚 variable dynamic air purge technology offers manufacturers a unique way of optimising product yield, increasing product integrity and significantly removing waste from manufacturing processes.

The Vector Smart Recovery System, manufactured, installed and supported by API, will deliver immediate benefits offering a game-changing strategy to address sustainability and environmentally-friendly production method targets.

With its patented and innovative technology, Vector complements conventional 鈥楥lean In Place鈥 systems and benefits customers with an environmentally-friendly way to lower industrial waste water, whilst retaining a primary focus on minimising core waste.

Further Information

Process Technology

The Vector Smart Recovery System can be installed in virtually any viscous liquid transfer application. It鈥檚 a stand-alone innovation which utilises variable dynamic air purge technology.
Algorithms control a micro-bar vortex and intelligent learning to effectively remove up to 99.9% of the network contents.

Phase 1: Lean Phase Clearing – Initial product recovery

A 鈥楳icro-Vortex鈥 air stream is blown to the product remaining in the processing pipework, gently recovering typically 95% of the product. Remaining product surrounds the inner surface of the pipework.

Phase 2: Vortex Recovery – Second product recovery

A 鈥楬igh Velocity Vortex鈥 is generated within the airstream which clears the remaining product. The residues now recovered are no longer forming industrial waste water.

Phase 3: Cleaning (optional)

A small amount of water or cleaning agent is introduced into the airflow. The cleaning effect is magnified by the turbulent air and water mix acting on the inner surfaces of the pipework.

Phase 4: Drying (optional)

Heated air is introduced to dry the internal pipework. By warming the whirlwind airflow any traces of water droplets on the inner surface of the pipework can be completely removed leaving the surfaces ready for production to restart in a reduced period of time.

Engineering Technology

Empowering the latest Siemens Simatic S7 – 1500 Totally Integrated Automation Portal T.I.A over ProfiNet or Profibus communications, our system can be installed in virtually any environment. Full connectivity with host SCADA allows real time monitoring of process variables and trends.

Vector can be operated as a 鈥榮tand-alone鈥 unit with simple stop start control or 鈥榝ully automated鈥 into your SCADA or BMS process control software.

The system utilises the latest Siemens Sinamics G 120 PM 240 Inverters meaning full control and optimisation of the drive system is guaranteed. Siemens INOX HMI allows full user local interface.

By introducing the Vector system into your manufacturing process you can save up to 99.9% of your product and reduce your water usage and industrial waste water volume by more than 90%. Vector will reduce your reliance on more traditional, intrusive and time-consuming cleaning methods, for example 鈥榩igging鈥, where a wad of sponge like material is tightly packed into the pipeline and driven along under force to remove residue.

The overall effect of introducing Vector is significant. It can bring energy usage down, reduce landfill waste, use less chemicals, reduce change-over times, provide an optimised Effluent Treatment Plant size and importantly, reduce your plant鈥檚 carbon footprint.

Production Efficiency and Product Recovery

The Vector system clears complex pipework systems including valves, tees, pumps, heat exchangers and bends. It cleans to microbiological levels and eliminates cross contamination. The system reduces cycle time, effluent discharge, water and CIP costs.

Delivering shorter change-over times and pipes dried and ready to use, Vector keeps your lines running, dramatically reducing waiting times and driving up production efficiencies. Vector鈥檚 cold water, chemical and solvent free process will significantly reduce your plant鈥檚 water and power use, cutting Biological and Chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD COD) needed to break down organic substances in water and greatly reducing your waste.

Demonstrative Improvements

Vector鈥檚 results speak for themselves. Two Vector 45 Smart Recovery Systems were installed at a leading soft drinks manufacturer in Bradford, with the objective of reducing line losses and industrial waste water across ten filling lines.

Since installation, the plant is now capable of recovering more than 5,000kg of product on a daily basis.

Under continuous Research and Development, the Vector Smart Recovery System will continue to improve. Some of the areas being explored include:

  • Complete CIP solution with integrated Vector System
  • Developments progress into offering what can be called cold ‘CIP’
  • Research and replacement of pasteurisation with Microwave Volumetric Heating (MVH)
  • Full and effective recovery and cleaning of plate heat exchanges and pasteurisers
  • Synergy with ETP digester plants, by eliminating the root cause of effluent optimisation of plant size, reducing the need for landfill