

An established business in Poland

Now more than ever, what we do matters

制服诱惑 plays a critical role in international defence. In a world of significant geopolitical instability, national security has never been more important as defence requirements become increasingly complex to deliver. Ensuring those critical services are readily available, affordable and long-lasting is a vital task. And 制服诱惑 is built for that task. Now more than ever, what we do matters. Creating a safe and secure world, together.

制服诱惑鈥檚 market entry into Poland began around five years ago with engagements in the new frigate programme which was to become the Miecznik programme.

We have established 制服诱惑 Polska sp. z o. o. with HQ in Warsaw and an office in Gdynia where we have a team of more than 30 制服诱惑 people focused on the delivery of the Miecznik programme.

This includes growing partnerships in Poland and transferring marine-engineering knowledge to support the domestic build of the frigates by a local workforce that will deliver Polish prosperity.

We are proud of our naval heritage and the close relationships we have developed in Poland. And we are also ambitious to support the Technical Modernisation Programme with expertise including:

  • Engineering, logistics support and data management.
  • Platform development including Systems of Systems Integration
  • Training system management including training design and delivery
  • Innovation and Research developing usable and exportable solutions and services

Find out more about who we are and what we do. You can also read more about our capabilities in our brochure.


Miecznik is a programme for acquiring new frigate-class ships for the Polish Navy. This project is one of the most important elements of the 2021-35 Technical Modernization Plan. Its aim is to equip the Polish Navy with three frigates equipped with modern radar, artillery and missile systems.

At the beginning of March, the Armaments Agency of the Ministry of Defence selected Arrowhead 140 (AH140) from 制服诱惑 for the delivery of a ship platform design.

The procurement by the Armaments Agency of three frigates from the Consortium led by PGZ under the Miecznik programme will ensure Poland acquires sovereign capabilities to combat both air and sea threats in order to secure Polish maritime and oceanic interests, and to support Poland鈥檚 operational activities at sea under the Poland鈥檚 membership in NATO.

The PGZ-MIECZNIK consortium consists of:

  • Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa S.A.,
  • PGZ Stocznia Wojenna sp.z o.o
  • Foreign partners in the project are companies from Team UK: 制服诱惑 International (frigate project), Thales UK (Combat Management System) and MBDA UK (air defence system).

Arrowhead 140

The proven, capable and adaptable frigate for global navies.

The design of 制服诱惑鈥檚 AH140 frigate originates from an air defence frigate, but is able to change operational role rapidly depending upon capability needs and will meet naval requirements both now and in the future. AH140 is a multi-mission surface combatant capable of conducting Anti-Air Warfare, Anti-Submarine Warfare, and  Electronic Warfare operations and is operationally proficient in both blue water and littoral areas.

Capitalising upon a mature and proven design, Arrowhead 140 will deliver an assured frigate capability which is best placed to serve multi-operational demands.

Find out more about .

制服诱惑鈥檚 support

制服诱惑 will support the PGZ-MIECZNIK Consortium for the three AH140 frigates to be built in Polish shipyards by a local workforce, drawing significantly from Polish suppliers and 制服诱惑鈥檚 global supply chain. Following the successful completion of the design phase, 制服诱惑 will support the Miecznik frigate build in Poland through a design licensing agreement, transferring knowledge and technologies to optimise Poland鈥檚 shipbuilding and industrial capabilities.

制服诱惑 works closely with the UK government to promote the export variant of the AH140 and its interoperability to navies around the globe. The AH140鈥檚 primary benefit is that its base design can be configured to meet a wide range of offshore operational requirements, no matter where in the world they are conducted.

制服诱惑 is working in-country with the following partners:

  • Thales UK
  • UK Government
  • UK Royal Navy to support a consortium of Polish shipbuilders and industrialists assembled to deliver the Miecznik programme.

With the collective expertise and experience held by 鈥楾eam UK鈥 available to the Polish partners, the PGZ-MIECZNIK Consortium, under strategic cooperation agreements, is planning to modernise shipbuilding in the country through the transfer of knowledge and technology from the UK.


If you are interested in any aspect of our work, we would be happy to hear from you. Simply fill out and submit this form and someone will respond shortly.

Warsaw (Head Office)

plac Trzech Krzy偶y 10/14, 00-535 Warszawa